Explore our FAQs below to get the information you need on all our products. We have compiled a list of questions which our customers ask to make the process even easier for you. If you have any questions, please do reach out and get in contact with a member of our team today.

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FAQ’S: Get the answers you need quickly

What size mirror do I need?

Each product has a recommended “View Distance” in the SPECIFICATION tab on each product page (next to Description).

How much do these mirrors cost?

Prices are listed for each model and each size on our website, including shipping (excluding VAT).

Do I need to have an account with you to purchase a mirror?

No, you do not need to have an account with us. You can make a one off purchase using the GUEST CHECKOUT.

How do I pay?

You can make payment on our website with your debit / credit card.

See our HOW TO ORDER ONLINE page for more steps on orders and payment.

Do you have representatives who can come to our property and advise which mirror to purchase?

No, we are an online retail store only. If you email us with your location, we may be able to put you in touch with a nearby distributor who can help.

Do you have an installation service?

No, we are an online retail store only, however our mirrors are very easy to install. Check the Installation guide for each product in the SPECIFICATION tab on each product page (next to Description).

Are any of your mirrors made of glass?

No, our range of mirrors are made from acrylic (plastic), stainless steel or polycarbonate.

Do the mirrors come with mounting brackets?

Yes, most of our adjustable mirrors include brackets. Check the diagram on each product page to see how the mirror is mounted.

How much is shipping?

Shipping is free for all UK mainland deliveries.

If I purchase a mirror and it isn't the right size, can I return it for a different size?

Yes, on the condition the mirror is returned in the correct packaging and in re-sale condition. Please email us if you need to return an item. See our SHIPPING AND RETURNS page.

Do you offer trade discount?

No, we are an online retail store only.

Do you have a shop where I can come and look at these mirrors?

No, we do not have a physical street address with a shop.

Can I install the mirror on a Power Pole?

Yes, however you may need permission from the local authorities to do this. Our wall mounting brackets can be attached to a large power pole with steel strapping (available from a hardware store).

Do you sell brackets or replacement parts?

No, we only sell complete mirrors and accessories listed on our website.

Do you sell flat mirror sheet?


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